Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Using phylogenetic relationships to predict protein functions--Sadreyev et al. release PhyloGene

In the 'not RNAi (or CRISPR) but might be of interest to blog readers anyway' department:

Sadreyev IR, Ji F, Cohen E, Ruvkun G, Tabach Y. PhyloGene server for identification and visualization of co-evolving proteins using normalized phylogenetic profiles. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 May 9. pii: gkv452. PMID: 25958392.

From the abstract: "... Analysis of the similarity in patterns of sequence conservation across a large set of eukaryotes can predict functional associations between different proteins, identify new pathway members and reveal the function of previously uncharacterized proteins. We used normalized phylogenetic profiling to predict protein function and identify new pathway members and disease genes. The phylogenetic profiles of tens of thousands conserved proteins in the human, mouse, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila genomes can be queried on our new web server, PhyloGene. ..."

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